Kina depreciates equipment using the straight line method over an asset’s useful life. On 1 June 2012 she bought new equipment with a useful life of 5 years and paid the supplier $14,200. The invoice showed that the total was made up as follows:

Equipment 10,000
Delivery 200
Installation 1,000
Maintenance for year to 31 May 2013 3,000
What is the total charge to Kina’s income statement for the year to 31 May 2013?

ACCA FA2 inventory value

Suggested Solution.

Equipment 10,000
Delivery 200
Installation 1,000
Total equipment cost capitalized 11,200
Annual depreciation based on 5 years 2,240
Annual depreciation expenses 2,240
Maintenance cost of equipment 3,000
Total expenses charged to Income Statement 5,240

To do the same topic again in ACCA FA2 depreciation expenses

To do another topic in ACCA FA2