Nano Water Flask Singapore
If you are looking for nano water flask in Singapore,please give me a call at +65 9489- 9429, I will be able to deliver your order to the MRT station nearest to where you are. (Office as well as home)
The price of Nano Water Flask is very affordable:
Quantity ordered 1 piece $45 per piece.
Quantity ordered 5 pieces $40 per piece.
Quantiy ordered 10 pieces $35 per piece.
Nano Water Flask Singapore
My intorductory price is a great discount from the normal retail price ($70) you can find in the market. So place your order and enjoy good health from now on. This is a worthy investment that you will never regret!
If you are not familar with "alkaline water" , maybe you should watch one of the youtube demo. (I don’t have to re-invent the wheel !)
Youtube English
Youtube Chinese
Indonesian / Malay
Youtube Indonesian/Malay
So what is a Nao Water Flask? It is a flask that turns the conventional drinking water into alkaline water within minutes.
When there are more H+ ions in the water than OH- ions, it will read as acidic.
When there are more OH- than H+, it's alkaline water.
Acid or alkaline liquid is measured as pH.
- pH is a measure of hydrogen ions (atoms).
- The more H+ in a liquid, the more 'acidic'.
- The more OH-, the more alkaline.
- Acid and alkaline can be thought of electrically as ions of Hydrogen carrying either a positive or negative charge of electricity.
- All chemical processes in your body are begun and completed when the correct electrical charge is found to match the electrical charge of another atom. Nothing happens without electricity. Electricity and chemistry, therefore, are the same in the body.
Alkaline Water benefits your health in many amazing ways!
Bob McCauley, the author of The Miraculous Properties of Ionized Water, calls ionized water (aka alkaline water) a powerful antioxidant, an effective alkalizing and hydrating agent, a detoxifier, and "one of the greatest health advances in human history"
How is alkaline ionized water different from conventional drinking water?
It has a high pH value of 8-10 and a negative reduction potential (ORP) of between -150 mV o -250 mV.
Benefits of having a nano water flask
The water will help keeping your body alkaline and is your first line of defense in fighting any disease.
Alkaline water creates a major impact in balancing a healthy person's pHs between 7.35 and 7.45.
If your body is too acidic, it provides an ideal environment for diseases to manifest and thrive in. For example, accumulated acid waste in the joints encourages inflammation and arthritis. It turns acidic wastes into solids and stores them in fatty tissues resulting in hardening of the arteries and excess weight. Our body will buffer the effect of this excess acid by taking calcium from the bones, and magnesium needed for heart health.
Luckily drinking 2 to 3 liters (Body weight in KG X 3 to give you the optimal quantity of water to drink a day) of alkaline water will help dissolve accumulated acid waste and will balance your body pH. And stay healthy all the while.
It will be even more effective if you start to take more alkaline food such as fruits and vegetables and less acidic food such as meat, eggs, dairy - processed and refined foods, yeast products, fermented foods, grains, artificial-sweeteners, fruit, sugar, chocolate, and sodas.
For a more detailed explanation on this please follow this link.
Nano Water Flask Singapore
Powerful Antioxidant ( Negative ORP measured in Mv)
Water filters through Nano Water Flask will have antioxidant properties.Through the electrolysis process, hydroxyl ions are produced in the alkaline ionized water. These hydroxyl ions seek out and neutralize free radicals, making them wonderful free radical scavengers.
This is very important since free radicals are what cause damage to our cells and bring about disease and (premature) aging. When the hydroxyl ions as an antioxidant have neutralized the free radicals the result is a body rich in oxygen and energy.
Superior Hydrator And A Powerful Detoxifier
One of the primary causes of disease is chronic cellular dehydration, a condition, which leaves the body's cells in a perpetual state of weakness and defense. Drinking alkaline ionized water helps with this condition and can be up to six times more hydrating than “conventional” drinking water.
Alkaline Water has small molecular grouping. Water molecules typically group together in clusters of 10-13. Alkaline Ionized Water molecule clusters are clustered into 5-6 water molecules, thus they are reduced in size. Because the size and shape of the water molecule cluster is smaller, the water cluster is extremely penetrating and can pass through our cells more easily.
As it hydrates body tissue, it pushes out toxins or anything else that do not belong. Thus, being superior hydrator and a powerful antioxidant, alkaline ionized water is very detoxifying.
Tourmaline – When tourmaline is exposed to water, it will induce electrolysis, generate negative ions and far infared rays. Negative ions can decrease the molecules of water; and promote the growth and healing of living cells.
Zeolites are a group minerals with a four-sided honeycomb structure and a negative magnetic charge. They have the ability to draw heavy metals and toxins to them and engulf them instantly. As Zeolites are negatively charged, they can exchange with positively charged particles without losing their structures. Therefore they can act as “micro sponges” to absorb free radicals. Carcinogens and viral particles in our bodies.
FIR Far Infrared Ray ) offers many benefits;
It help people suffering from all forms of arthiritus, relieves muscle spasms and joint stiffness
1- it increases the extensibility of collagen tissues and capillaries which is good for stimulation of blood flow, regeneration, circulation and oxygenation
2- FIR therapy assists in resolution of inflammatory infiltrates
3- FIR therapy has proven extremely beneficial in weight control programmes. It is observed that one hour under the FIR therapy raise the body metabolism and body temperature that it burns 900 calories. FIR heat also breaks down cellulite – trapped water, fat and waste in the body
4- It helps to prevent hypertension, arteriosclerosis, coronary artery disease and blood circulation. It relieves nervous tension and relaxes autoneuro muscles.
5- FIR helps to improve skin conditions and all-around beauty treatment.
6- It is also said to help body strengthen the immunity system by stimulating increased production of white blood cells (leukocytes) by the bone marrow and killer T-cells by the thymus.
Clay is renowned to have promoted health in plants, animals and human beings.
Naturally absorbent and extremely gentle on the system, bentonite clay can treat various skin and internal ailments, attract and neutralize poisons in the instestinal tract. It can also be used to treat such sickness as foor allergies, food poisoning, mucus colitis, spastic colitis, viral infections, stomach flu and parasites. Moreover, it enriches and balances the blood cells. It can absorb radiation and can also be used to treat alcoholism, arthritis, cataracts, diabetic neuropathy, pain, open wounds, diarrhea, hemorrholds. Stomach ulcers, animal and poisonous insect bits, acne, anemia etc.
Nano Water Flask in Singapore