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Make Curtain Tips ………..

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Make Curtain Tips

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Below are some make curtian tips for your reference.

Make Curtain Tips: One

Choosing the color is the first step, because it will create focal point and set the mood in a room. You need to decide whether you want warm or cool color.

make curtain tips


Make Curtain Tips: Two

Vertical lines add height and dignity to a room, and are considered formal.

Horizontal lines create a casual and restful feeling.

Diagonal lines attract attention and can be distracting.

Curved lines soften the curtain.

Make Curtain Tips: Three

Textures can convey the mood and gives the room volume and life. Coarse textures reflect light and tend to look lighter. Combining several textures adds variety and interest.

Make Curtain Tips:Four

Form - we join lines to become shapes; and the most preferred shape is rectangle - Extend the drapery upward or outward to the window frame

Make Curtain Tips:Five

Space is created by boundaries. We can use walls, moldings, air ducts and furniture to create space.

By combining the choice of color, line,texture, form and space, we can make our curtain come alive.

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